Tips on How to Concentrate on Studies for Longer Hours


Team MetaApply

Published on February 25, 2025
Tips on How to Concentrate on Studies for Longer Hours

It’s exam season, guys! The dread can be felt everywhere. The pressure of performing better. The urge to score higher. Or even the fear of at least getting passing marks to reach the next level in your educational journey. But what if we tell you that you can overcome all the examination exhaustion by simply staying focused on your studies. Now you may laugh at the idea of what has not already been told, or you haven’t already read in those thousands of articles that you may have researched already. Well, they might not be as interesting as this one. Don’t worry, you are not alone in your exam time, we are with you at every step.

How to focus on studies? Well, this is the first question that comes into students’ minds, the minute they start planning for their studies. And, in this quest, students always start by creating a study schedule. While some may find it easy to follow, others often get distracted by a simple text notification. So, to ensure you stay focused and concentrate on your studies throughout the academic year and not just during exam times, here is your ultimate guide. If you follow these simple steps, we assure you that no one can take those A+ grades away from you. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

7 Tips to Concentrate on Studies

How to focus on studies for exams is one of the most common questions amongst students these days. Students who leave everything to study at the last-minute face the challenges of too much course to cover. This overwhelming feeling breaks student’s confidence with every wrong answer and lesser time to practice more. So, if you don’t want to fall in that category, you better start preparing today.

To help you focus on your studies for longer hours, here is all you need to do. By following these 7 steps, you are going to build a better learning habit, and this may never leave you throughout your educational journey or professional life. Therefore, let’s check out the quick tips on how to focus on studies without getting distracted.

1. Find a Quiet Place

Find a Quiet Place

The first step on your “how to focus on studies” guide is to find a quiet place. Although distraction never comes from the outside, it is your own mind that let the outside world disturb you. But let’s just blame others for not letting you focus on your sides.

With that being said, now that your exams are ongoing or are going to start soon, then you better find a quiet place that will help you focus on studies for longer hours. And no, we are not suggesting you study on your bed, trust us that’s the worst place to study. You will never know when you will get comfortable on your bed and taking a powernap soon.

Hence, to avoid any such mishaps, let’s find a calming corner at your place with a study table and chair. Although do ensure your study desk have enough space for you to spread out your study materials if required.


When you are looking out for a quiet place ensure it is undistracted. During exam times, even the wall seems to be interesting. So, if your study desk is in some corner, it is better you cover the sides with study materials. Whenever you look up, you are remembering one concept or the other rather than just staring at a blank wall and wasting your time.

2. Follow the Pomodoro Technique

Follow the Pomodoro Technique

The next step in your how to guide is to follow the Pomodoro Technique. Many students during exam season search on the internet about tips on how to focus on studies for longer hours and they come across the Pomodoro Technique.

But what is the Pomodoro Technique?

It is a method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s when he used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer (the actual Pomodoro) during his study sessions.

This timer helps you set an alarm for a set period during which you focus on your studies before taking a break. The correct method is to study with complete concentration for 25 minutes and then take a brief 5-minute break.

Repeating this process four times will help you cover a topic without over-exerting your mind. Once you have studied for 2 hours, you can take a longer break to relax.


The best manner to relax your mind in-between study sessions is to go for a run, walk, dance, or sing. Students in this digital age think of scrolling through social media, every chance they get. Trust us when we say this, using phone between your study sessions is the biggest disadvantage.

When you scroll, you entertain yourself forgetting what you studied. However, when you stroll, or go for a walk, it gives you time to get some fresh air and clear your mind. Smarter are those who keep memorising whatever they have studies to ensure they remember the concepts and it doesn’t fade away with time.

3. Eat Healthy Before Start your Study Session

Eat Healthy Before Start your Study Session

A grumbling tummy is a constant distraction too! When you are looking for tips on how to increase focus on studies during the exam season, then you better take all your carbs and proteins regularly. Sitting for a long study session, without eating something means you are not giving your body the right protein to function properly. An empty stomach constantly makes a grumbling sound, divding your concentration between studies and eating something. So, before you start studying ensure you eat well.

Now this “eat well” doesn’t imply to eating a heavy meal before studying because it can make you a little dizzy and wanting you to take a power nap. So, what’s the best thing you can have before your study session? Yes, you’ve thought it right, fruits!

Fruits have great proportion of protein and having a bowl of fruits before you start studying will give you the required vitamins and energy to focus on your studies. Moreover, besides fruits you can also have oatmeal, yogurt, or granola bars.


Why are you being suggested to eat healthy like fruits and granola bar is because after eating that, you don’t have to break your concentration from studies. For example, if you are solving a complex math problem and your stomach grumbles, what will you do? The divided concentration will lead to a stressed mind and incorrect answer, resulting in frustration. Hence, if you will have a granola bar with you, you can have your cravings in check.

4. Take Complete 8 Hours of Sleep

Take Complete 8 Hours of Sleep

How… to… focus… on…!

No, that’s not a typing error. That was you frustratedly typing while searching for ways to focus on your studies for long hours. This is what happens when you scroll through social media or text someone during your beauty sleep.

At your age, every generation has been through it, and trust us when we say this—wasting your sleeping hours on social media is one of the worst mistakes you can make. It not only wastes your precious time, but it also ruins the next day completely.

Staying up late scrolling will disrupt your sleep schedule, cause delays, and leave you feeling frustrated by the end of the day. On the other hand, waking up on time keeps you refreshed and productive. So, to avoid this, make sure you get a full 8 hours of sleep!


Why are we asking you to get a full 8 hours of sleep?

It’s not just to prevent dark circles but also because it is essential for your health and scientifically proven to improve well-being.

When you get a full 8 hours of sleep, you wake up feeling fresh and energetic. The passion within you keeps you motivated, and no matter how complex the topic in front of you is, when you study with proper rest and full concentration, you can easily overcome any academic challenges.

5. Study in Morning

Study in Morning

The best time to study is early in the morning. Studying after 7 is usually a bad decision. Some students do prefer to study late in night because of the calming environment. But what they don’t know is they are harming their entire next day by waking up late and delaying everything.

So, if you are wondering how to increase focus on studies during all times, then get up early and study with a fresh mind. When you start studying in later time of a day, you have already been through a tough day, everything that was supposed to happen has happened already. And whether you want it or not, your day’s experiences somewhere stay in the back of your mind. Hence, studying in the evening with an exhausted mind means you are not studying anything at all.

To make sure whatever you are studying, you are understanding it, and your brain is grasping it, and for this to happen you better study early in the morning.


Now, when you decide to study in the morning, it is better you are facing a direction where sunlight is directly coming to you. The magic of nature not only keeps you fresh but also motivated.

Furthermore, if the early morning chores at your household are disturbing you, you can always listen to music while studying. Please be informed we are not suggesting you to vibe with latest trending music, but we are asking you to listen to calming instrumental music while studying. This will stop the outside noises, and your mind will not get distracted either.

6. Hide Your Distractions

Hide Your Distractions

Technology has made everything so easy. Like you searched for tips on how to focus on studies during exam times and you came to this blog. We know the internet has its benefits and you can find all you need within a few seconds online. But the internet has its drawbacks too!

For instance, you searched for a summary of one of the novels you are studying for your English exam and got a text from your friend at the same time. We both know what you are going to do next. You can’t leave a friend’s text unanswered! And with that one reply went all the crucial study hours.

So, to ensure you are highly focused on your only task of studying when you sit for it, it is better you keep the distractions away. First thing you must do is keep your digital devices locked out of your sight. Now wait! We know the digital world help, so, instead of finding answers online along with studies, you download all the study materials offline and study at your pace.


Studying from offline materials like books, notes, and flashcards is always a good idea. Want to know why? It is because studying through pen-paper mode, you get the chance to highlight things that seems important to you. You can re-write concepts in a way that are easy-to-understand for you. And lastly, you will not get distracted.

7. Make Learning Fun

Make Learning Fun

Now, we understand that studying sometimes can be a boring job. Like you will be reading the same sentence for the 100th time without understanding its true meaning. This led students to memorise the concepts instead of understanding them.

When you memorise something, there are chances that you may forget at it at the time of taking the exam because there is already a lot going on in your mind. So, to make your study session interesting, learn in a manner that makes it fun.

For instance, if you are trying to memorise an answer but it is complex, tune it into your favourite song. In this manner, you will have the answer ready, and you will never forget it again. Furthermore, to make your learning interesting, you can use flashcards or request someone to ask you questions on the topic you just studies.


Studying can be a daunting task and when the topic is not of your liking, it becomes boring. But when covering all the concepts becomes crucial, then why not make learning fun? Besides using music, flashcard, or a friend, you can learn concepts by making drawings if you are good in it. Or you can make a script of the answer to learn the basics of it.

When you sit for your study sessions, you must make sure you have all the required stationary items. Don’t know what they are? Don’t worry, we have you covered. Refer the below image to understand the required stationary items.

Crucial Stationary Items Students Need for Studies

Crucial Stationary Items Students Need for Studies

Prepare Yourself for Every Academic Challenge with MetaApply

Distraction and procrastination are the two main reasons for you to struggle while studying. As in this blog we have provided you with 7 tips to concentrate on your studies during exam season, we believe this will be all for your question of “how to focus on studies?” We understand sometimes the academic pressure can be too much, but instead of getting overwhelmed, make your tasks manageable. No matter what your preparation types if exams for high school, college level, or exams to study abroad, if you will dedicatedly follow the above-mentioned steps, then students, 90% and above percentage is not far away from you.

In your journey of academic excellence, MetaApply IE is there for you at every step. Whether you want help in understanding what streams you should pick or what college is best for you, we are here for you all the time. At MetaApply, we not only provide you with career counselling, but also help you achieve your abroad academic dream. So, if you want to know how you should focus on your studies or need help with any further educational process, we are just a call away.

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Frequently Asked Questions

To focus and study for long hours, all you have to do is create a distraction-free environment, use the Pomodoro technique, eat healthy, take 8 hours of sleep, study with a fresh mind, stay away from distractions, and make your learning fun. With these steps, you can effectively complete your course without any burnouts.

To avoid distractions while studying all you have to do is stay away from electronic gadgets like phone, tablet, laptop, or a computer. In place of using the digital study materials, you can go with traditional printed notebooks, hand-written notes, and flashcards. In this manner, you can study by completely understanding the concepts.

To stay motivated to study for long hours, it is important you make shorter and achievable goals. Like instead of covering the entire chapter at once, go with one topic at a time. By following the Pomodoro Technique, you can effectively study, grasping each concept and without any burnouts.

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