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How Long is SAT: Format, Score, Dates, and Registration process

Hey there, study abroad aspirants! There must be numerous instances where you’ve asked yourself, “How do I study abroad?” At times, it may have felt like you’re not sure if you’re on the right track or if you should drop the idea altogether. Sometimes it might seem like you’re a character in a fictional series, stuck in Season 3, Episode 11, unsure of what’s happening. But we understand that the study abroad planning process can feel like a series with multiple open-ended storylines. This story may end with an interesting outcome, but the journey can sometimes seem off track. Don’t be disheartened – after all, as someone once said, to achieve the end goal, you have to keep moving forward. Today, in this blog, we’ll discuss a standardised exam that students often take when planning to study in the USA: the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test). Rest assured; this could change the direction of your story.
Now, you may have a thousand questions on your mind, such as: What is the SAT? How long is the SAT? How should you prepare for the SAT? When should you take the SAT? And many more. Well, hold on to those questions, because today we are covering the SAT in a nutshell. In simpler terms, we’ll provide you with all the essential information you need about the SAT. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this episode of study abroad planning.
What is SAT?
It is a type of standardised exam that students in high school or those over the age of 17 take to gain admission to a foreign university.
SAT stands for Scholastic Assessment Test. This test is conducted to assess the college readiness of students. The exam opens a gateway for students who wish to pursue undergraduate programmes and courses at American or Canadian universities.
Taking the SAT helps students build a stronger foundation for their future. This standardised exam was a paper-based test until 2023, but the College Board (the official organisation that conducts the SAT) decided to make it digital to make it more accessible for students across the globe.
SAT in a Nutshell: Format, Score, Dates, and Registration
Before starting with the exam preparation, students usually tend to look out for the exam duration. This not only helps in understanding how much time you’ll get to cover the exam but also provides moral support to seamlessly manage your time and prepare effectively.
To answer all your “whys?” and “hows?” We have combined the information in the table below for a better understanding.
Aspect | Detail |
Purpose | Standardised test for US college admissions |
Duration | 3 hours (without essay) |
Conducted by | College Board |
Sections |
Scoring & Average score | Score: 400-1600 || Average Score: 1050 |
Test Frequency | 7 times: March, May, June, August, October, November, and December |
Registration Fee | ₹10,102 |
Registration | Online through College Board’s official website |
Now that you have got ample information on the SAT, let’s see how you can prepare to crack this exam with ease.
Tips to Prepare for the SAT
The SAT exam is for students to get admission to a bachelor’s degree in American and Canadian universities. Well, with education being easily accessible worldwide through the web, the Scholastic Assessment Test has become a digital examination.
Here are some of the tips and tricks you may need to crack your SAT exam in one go. Hence, to help you get into your dream university abroad, let’s see what your action plan for your SAT exam should be.
Know the SAT exam format
One of the common traits we have seen in students before they take any exam is that they are afraid of either the exam or failing that exam. So, before you start reading for the exam you need to understand the exam, know the SAT exam format, and familiarise yourself with the concepts.
The SAT exam is divided into two major sections: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) which consists of questions like passages, grammar, usage, and understanding of the concept based on subjects like literature, social science, and science. The next section is on Math which includes algebra, problem-solving, data analysis, trigonometry, and advanced math.
Create a Study Schedule
Now that you know what your SAT exam is about and even how many questions are on the SAT exam, it is better if you start with a study schedule. In case you are a schooler, we know that you have your hands full. From juggling between classes and extracurricular activities, you hardly get the time to relax. In between this, when the preparations for the SAT exam comes into the picture, it might overwhelm you with pressure. However, to ease yourself a little, you should set your priorities. Knowing that the SAT exam course is like what you are studying every day in school, it will be better if you study attentively even if it is for one hour. You must begin at your pace and eventually increase the time as the exam approaches.
Focus on Weaker Areas
One of the common mistakes’ students intend to make is leaving complex topics for later because they are hard to understand. Well, when the complex questions are the most crucial part of your SAT exam, you should cover it all. To know what your weaker areas are, you must go through the sample papers, as this will not only help you identify your weaker spots, but you will also get an understanding of how long the SAT test is. Once you have identified the challenges, plan your study schedule so that you can give more attention to the tough topics. For example, if trigonometry is giving you a hard time, it is better to work on it more. To check your progress, you must review the sample papers again and answer the questions.
Take Practice Tests
As they say, practice makes a person perfect, it is better if you keep testing your abilities with the help of sample papers to ensure you know how to clear this exam in one go. The SAT exam is a combination of various subjects, while some can be your strong spots, in some places you may need to give extra attention. Solving practice tests will help you understand the SAT exam format, how long the SAT test is, and what should be your action plan to solve the problems. There are several sections in your SAT exam with time limits. Working on practice tests will also help you increase your speed and when you will be taking the SAT exam for the final time, you won’t have to worry about what is you missed a question or two.
Find an SAT Tutor
Having your concepts clear is the most crucial thing when it is time to take any exam. Whether you are preparing for a mid-term exam, term-end examination, or even for a standardised test like SAT, having all concepts clear is important. As everyone has their weaknesses, you must find yourself stuck in some Math problem and even after solving it multiple times you might not get to the correct answer. This may lead to frustration and leaving that topic for later. However, as we said you must face your challenges and work on your weaker areas, when you are finding it tough to solve it yourself, you can get help from someone else. This other person can be your parent, a friend, a tutor, or an expert on the SAT exam. Finding a tutor will help you clear your concepts and doubts, which will result in better scores and getting accepted into your dream college abroad.
Crack Your SAT Exam with MetaApply Expert Consultation
So, now that you have the perfect storyline for your series and got the desired ending, we believe you have got all the required information you were looking for. The SAT is not as tough as you may think it is, with the correct study approach you will be able to crack it only when you know the format and types of questions. Hence, you must create a study schedule, familiarise yourself with the SAT exam format, and practice as much as possible.
To be your trusted partner in your SAT preparations, MetaApply is right here. Our professional experts cater to all the study abroad needs. Whether you are struggling with a language proficiency exam or a standardised exam, we have you covered at every step. You can connect with the experts either through our website or by visiting our experience centres in Jaipur, Noida, Hyderabad, Pure, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Ahmedabad.
Frequently Asked Questions
The SAT test is 3 hours long without the essay, and if it is included, the exam's duration is 3 hours 50 minutes. However, since the SAT has gone digital, the essay part has been removed.
The SAT is divided into two sections, EBRW (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing) and Math. Both the sections cumulatively contain 154 questions.
The test timings are from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, local time. However, students are advised to reach the exam centre by 7:45 AM to find their seating arrangements. The exam ends by noon; however, if the optional essay is included, it ends around 1:00 PM.